Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Reticulated python rescued

ReticulatedPythonA reticulated python, similar to the Indian rock python, has been rescued and brought to the Gelegphu park office today. The female python was caught by Indian people from nearby forest in the airport area. It has suffered several injuries on the body. It will be treated before it is released in the forest.
The python is 14 feet long, one foot two inches in girth and about 35 to 40 kilograms in weight. It is a non-venomous, rare snake that is found in northeast India and eight other countries. It usually preys on small animals like rodents, fruit bats, birds, jackals, civets, deer and wild boar. The snake  grows up to 19 feet.

Thimphu Drubchoe

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mr. Bean


About TTI Rangjung

Incident of Haa

Soon after his arrival from India, Hon'ble Lyonchhen accompanied by the Ministers of Health and Foreign Affairs and few MPs visited Lungtenphug Hospital and JDWNRH to inquire about the condition of the soldiers wounded during the explosives mishap in Haa on September 2. Hon'ble Lyonchhen and the dignitaries, very sympathetically and patiently, enquired about the welfare of all the injured personnel one by one.

Music and Photos

Collected and Edited by Karma Tshering.

Family and Relatives photo collections.

 "We are born to die and met to depart".

So, Its my pleasure to collect the photos of my family and relatives for my remembrance. It helps me to recollect what and when we met and gather, sorrows and fun! 

Gathering makes our life so meaningful in one way or other.

 To have fun and sorrow are the nature of our life.

 Met to depart....
 To visit holly place and practice religion is the only way to help us in future...........................

 Birth is the gift of God and faith of previous karma!


1043 graduates attended the three day convocation.
A total of 1043 graduates attended a three day convocation for Technical Training Institute (TTI) and Institute of Zorig chhusum (IZC) graduates in the capital which ended yesterday.
This is the first ever convocation for Technical Vocation and Education Graduates (TVET). It was organized mainly to give them prior recognition like other university graduates.
The program was initiated by the labor ministry (MoLHR).

Labor Minister Dorji Wangdi said there is critical need of skilled Human resources to drive and sustain economic growth. Therefore investing on TVET not only produces skilled workforce but also helps to sustain growth.

However there is a national concern as many youth are not willing to take up vocational training and consequently the kind of jobs it leads to due to the perceived low image of TVET related employment.
He said they are mostly employed in private and corporate sectors, which discourages the youth to join technical vocation.
And so the government has changed the training process in the institutes through Mckinsey projects. The duration-based training was replaced by competency-based trainings.
TVET also has its Bhutan Vocational Qualification Framework (BVQF) like National Qualification Framework for Education.
“They can now upgrade their qualification for tertiary education and have a world of work and world of education,” said Lyonpo Dorji Wangdi.
This hinders in combating rising youth unemployment, mismatch of demand and supply of skills and also enhancing economic competitiveness of the national labor force.
Lyonpo Dorji Wangdi said every year more than 450 trainees graduate from the institutes but the progress is very slow in terms of producing knowledge based skilled workers as demanded by the present scenario.

In the closing ceremony, His Majestry the King granted an audience to the TVET graduates and ended the program.
Courtesy : Thinley Wangmo, TheBhutanese